Explore the Odenwald in the company of llamas

max. 25 Person(en)

Am Kocherbach 30, 69483 Wald-Michelbach

Hiking the Odenwald is pleasure enough. Hiking it in the company of llamas is unforgettable.

Just look into the eyes of these gentle Andean creatures and you‘ll be smitten. Our gentle and leisurely hike in the company of our placid companions will take us through fields, pastures and forest. With a little luck we‘ll probably come across deer, hares, foxes and birds of prey. 

Children should be at least 8 years old.

Kategorie Festpreis

Gruppenpreise für 3 bis 25 Personen auf Anfrage.
ab 110,00 €

Odenwald Lamas / Karin und Bernhard Schmitt


Am Kocherbach 30, 69483 Wald-Michelbach

+49 (0) 6207 3456

+49 (0) 173 5291150



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